Chicory Coffee


Nothing really beats the smell of a warm cup of joe in the morning. The aroma that fills the air has a hint of comfort that can take you to the tropical islands from which it orriginates. Now, coffee has some great qualities for the body and mind. It can help increase focus, endurance, and creativity; that boost for the day that nothing can really beat, or so we think. Just like with anything though, a substance has the power to heal and destroy, meaning to much of something can be damaging for the body and mind.

Photo- Devin Avery

Photo- Devin Avery

Where I am from, and also where I live now in Santa Cruz California, coffee is more than just the kick for the day, it’s become a way of community, this makes it hard to sometimes resit drinking it. Sometimes there are even two different coffee shops in the same exact shopping center. People are really serious about their coffee and they have every reason to be. It’s delicious and helpful for that brain boost but what people are missing is the drainage that it is having on our emotions and adrenals. Coffee is a stimulant, as we have already noticed by some of its effects. It gets the bowels moving for some of us, it makes the mind activate in a quicker way, and it gives us an immediate boost of energy. Stimulants work partly by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, which causes the same physical effects such as the “fight or flight” response. It speeds up the heart and breath, making us feel more alert and on top of things. This works for some but in the end result, this over time can start to have an affect on anxiety and high stress levels, causing separation, isolation, lack of sleep, and poor decision making. We naturally have anxiety in our world , right? The constant hustle and need to be here and there all of the time, this causes a lot of stress on the mind and body already without the additive of a stimulant. When we add coffee into the mix, it amplifies the anxiety to the next high level which can then lead us to depression, lack of sleep, and adrenal fatigue, sound familiar? Now, I don’t believe it can actually create depression but it can most certainly keep someone who is prone to depression or anxiety in these states. Coffee brings us to a high, but with every high there is a low. If the person is already feeling low, once the high is over then what are they left with? Restlessness, a poor mood, and the feeling like a rain cloud is following them everywhere. It can have an affect on the brain that keeps us in a loop that we naturally run in. If our mind state is usually negative then that is exactly where it will keep us. Also, coffee can actually promote bloat and other digestive issues which then can cause us to separate from our community in ways. When our gut isn’t feeling good or healthy, the brain will react in the same way. Something to be very cautious of especially in important interactions with loved ones.

These are all studies I have been studying over time from numerous herbalist books and podcasts, also this is study from my own experience with these affects. Note, I am not saying coffee is a link to depression or anxiety. It can however increase the anxiety and depression that is already there.


Why do we crave coffee? Did you know that coffee is a bitter? Bitter is a word that I think our culture doesn’t associate so well with. She was a bitter person or that left a really bitter taste in my mouth, not the best sounding right? The thing though about bitters is that they are so substantial to our health. Bitters stimulate the body’s digestive response and help tremendously with digestive function, better digestion equals a better mood. They soothe gas and bloating, relieve occasional heartburn, encourage digestive enzymes, calm upset stomach, balance appetite, and ease constipation. See the reason why you may feel that coffee helps? The thing about bitters is that you can find them in many things besides coffee and they can work in a way that is not so depleting. My absolute favorite is Dandelion and Chicory. Chicory is a flowering plant that comes from the dandelion family and it tastes very similar to coffee; slightly woody and nutty. Chicory has many health benefits and is caffeine free. It can improve digestive health, lower blood sugar, help decrease inflammation, it’s a powerful prebiotic (foods to the friendly bacteria in the gut), filled with antioxidants, helps reduce heart rate, relieves constipation, and it’s a soluble fibre. Chicory also does not affect the adrenals which in the end will help with insomnia and fatigue.

As long as you replace your bitter with a bitter that will support your system better, the mental and physical addiction to coffee will start to settle. It does however take time and will power but it is highly possible. If you do have physical addictive side affects from coffee absence, switch on and off with this drink and the coffee. One day have the chicory blend and the other have coffee, then start decreasing the coffee even more. I now save my cup of Joe for one time per week, looking at it as a special treat that I get to enjoy only on occasion.

Chicory Root “Coffee”


1 TBL Chicory (dried)

2 Cups filtered water

*Other herbs to add to the chicory boiling process for added nutrients. (try to not have them every day)

1-2 sticks Reishi Mushroom (dried)

1/2 Tbl Chaga Mushroom (dried)

3-5 dried Rose

  • Bring water to boil and add the herbs. Let it simmer on medium to low slightly covered with a lid for about 10-15 mins. Strain into a blender and add the following if desired:

  • Tbl honey or 2 dates

  • Cinnamon (1 tsp)

  • Collagen powder

  • Cacao - 1 tbl

  • Ashwaganda 1 whole squeeze

  • Nut butter - almond I like the best

  • Ghee 1 Tbl (my favorite)

  • 1-2 Tbl nut milk

(My drink usually always includes: ghee, two dates, collagen, and cinnamon.)

If you have any questions or need support in anyway, feel free to reach out to me via email or through my instagram @primalharmony